„Familie Rabel fährt in den Urlaub“ gewinnt NyFilmFestival
Der durch den Landesverband Jugend und Film und die Filmwerkstatt Kiel geförderte Kurzfilm „Familie Rabel fährt in den Urlaub“ von Sarah Roloff hat beim NyFilmFestival 2010 in Nykøbing, Dänemark den ersten Preis gewonnen. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte einer alleinerziehenden Mutter, die sich ihren beiden Töchtern über ein gemeinsames Urlaubsspiel wieder annähert.
In der Jurybegründung hieß es: „We thought this film was beautiful in a lot of ways. The technical aspects of the film, which were used to communicate the story, particularly impressed us and we found the idea to be very well realised. The set-up for the story worked extremely well with the establishment of a conflict within an everyday environment. We thought the idea of how to solve the conflict by revisiting the already known with a new perspective was original and inspiring, using a new approach where everyone involved participates in a pretend game, in which the characters are lifted out of their everyday roles and get to play and be reminded of the beauty in their lives. All in all a very well directed film with believable characters derived from great performances!“
(nach einer Produktionsnotiz von Sarah Roloff)